Cover Oregon Website Not Ready

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


 Cover Oregon Website Not Ready

Individuals can register and create a login on the site as well as browse and compare different plans online, but they cannot purchase through the online portal at this time. 

Officials have reported that will be ready later in October but may not be fully operational until November. The problem is the site is still not providing accurate information on whether enrollees qualify for government assistance such as tax credits or Healthy Kids. 

Individuals and families who buy their own coverage have until Dec. 15 to enroll in coverage that kicks in Jan 1, when most current plans will no longer be in effect. Enrollment in Cover Oregon ends March 31. 

Individuals and small businesses were supposed to be able to immediately use certified agents or application "assisters" to enroll until the site is ready for the public, hopefully by the second half of October.  

Agents, however, won't have full use of the site on October 1st as was planned.  Instead, they'll be asked to not fully enroll anyone. Until the website glitches are fixed, agents are being asked to enter and save client information, but not check on eligibility for assistance. 

Cover Oregon has requested that agents stop scheduling clients until they know when the website will be working. Consumers can still shop for insurance through agents, but those agents won't yet have the ability to use the Cover Oregon website to qualify for tax credits and enroll. 

As everyone knows by now the federal government is shut down while the politicians fight over Obamacare.  The entire battle hinges on the fight to have the individual mandate requiring individuals to have insurance or be subject to a fine.  A truce may be called in the immediate future to get the government running again but the war will rage on until close to the end of the year when the final budget will be voted on.   

This battle will not affect Cover Oregon, individuals just won’t be required to buy insurance if they are currently uninsured. 


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